Craig DiLouie
Lighting Industry Journalist and Educator
About Craig DiLouie

As an educator and industry thought leader, Craig DiLouie has provided technical writing and consulting services to organizations such as IES, NEMA, NALMCO, NAILD, Lighting Controls Association, New Buildings Institute, NEEA, U.S. Department of Energy, and other industry-leading groups. He has also been a frequent speaker and ghost writer for presentations at major industry events such as LightFair. He carries the Lighting Certified (LC) and Certified Lighting Controls Professional (CLCP) certifications.
As a journalist, he has contributed award-winning lighting editorial for industry-leading publications such as Electrical Contractor, tED, LM&M, EC&M, Enlighten, Illuminate, Professional Lighting Design, Architectural Lighting, LightNOW, Power Outlet, Retrofit, Building Design + Construction, and others. He has been the lighting columnist for Electrical Contractor since 2008 and tED since 2004.
As a consultant, he has supported the communications efforts of industry leaders such as Acuity Brands, LEDvance, Cooper Lighting, Juno Lighting, Lighting Control & Design, Kohler, Honeywell, Litecontrol, Peerless Lighting, and Legrand.
And as an author, he has written several books about lighting, such as Lighting Redesign for Existing Buildings, the Lighting Controls Handbook, and others, while editing Howard Brandston’s seminal work, Learning to See: A Matter of Light. He is also a prolific author of fiction, with multiple novels published by major publishers such as Simon & Schuster and Hachette.
Notable accomplishments include contributions to IES RP3, RP11, RP36, DG18, DG29, LEM7, and SEM4; control templates for the U.S. Department of Energy’s CLS for Offices tool, the Advanced Lighting Guidelines, Light Right Survey Tool, and Lighting Controls Association’s Education Express.
Prior to launching his own freelance practice in 2001, Craig was publisher of Miller Freeman’s Design Group, which included Architectural Lighting, Contract Design, Facilities Design & Management, and the Interplan conference and trade show. Previously, he was publisher and also editor-in-chief of Architectural Lighting. He assumed this position after leaving Creative Marketing Alliance, where he served as vice president after five years of working with lighting manufacturers and organizations such as NALMCO, NAILD, NAESCO, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Green Lights Program.

Craig’s Clients
Craig has worked with numerous industry-leading organizations, publications, and manufacturers. His current clients include the Lighting Controls Association, Electrical Contractor (published by NECA), tED Magazine (published by NAED), and a select group of manufacturers.
As education director for the Lighting Controls Association, a post he has held since 2001, Craig produces feature articles, blog posts, and education courses covering advanced lighting control technology and application.
As lighting columnist for Electrical Contractor, a post he has held since 2008, Craig contributes a monthly article covering the dramatic ongoing developments in the lighting industry.
As lighting columnist for tED Magazine, a post he has held since 2004, Craig contributes feature articles covering the state of the lighting industry with a focus on design and technological trends.
As a fiction author, Craig has written a wide variety of novels published by major publishers such as Simon & Schuster and Hachette, along with small press- and self-published works.


Check out Craig’s archived articles at Electrical Contractor.

Check out Craig’s tED and other archived articles at LightNOW.

Check out Craig’s lighting controls articles and education courses at the Lighting Controls Association.

Feel free to contact Craig via LinkedIn here, or you can send a message using the form below.
Craig is an outstanding professional who knows the lighting industry as well as anyone on the planet. He also understands technical details and is not afraid to tackle complex issues. One of the best authors in the field of lighting—ever.”
James Benya, Benya Burnett Consultancy
I highly recommend Craig. He’s an excellent prolific writer, a lighting controls expert, and a pleasure to work with. He’s got a pulse on our market and is quick to educate our industry on relevant issues. He is also very good at managing multiple projects simultaneously and produces high quality content quickly.”
Michael Jouaneh, Lutron Electronics
I have always been impressed by Craig’s energy; contagious enthusiasm; researching, writing, and editing skills; and his warm, congenial personality. I am happy to recommend Craig for any kind of professional writing or editing task, either individually or as part of a team.”
Dawn Degrazio, Illuminating Engineering Society
I can always count on Craig’s knowledge, expertise and connections when it comes to anything lighting related. A fantastic professional to work with.”
Anthony Capkun, Annex Business Media